Ellsworth & Western Wisconsin
Western Wisconsin features stunning bluff land and valleys carved out centuries ago by the Mississippi River. Drive the popular Great River Road along Lake Pepin and enjoy the historic small town charm of Prescott, Diamond Bluff, Hager City, Bay City, Maiden Rock, Stockholm and Pepin. Eclectic and unique shops and restaurants thrive in these small communities.
Ellsworth, Wisconsin, is the county hub and serves surrounding farming communities for educational, retail and service needs. It's the self-proclaimed Cheese Curd capital of Wisconsin. Beautiful farm land, historic barns & homes, and healthy livestock, especially dairy, dot the countryside. The rich & fertile soil in this river valley has provided abundant crops for farmers for centuries.
This area provides plenty of recreational opportunities with local golf courses, numerous biking & hiking trails, state parks, canoeing, boating, fishing, camping, and various winter activities. Many have visited this beautiful area and have stayed for a lifetime!